Wormwood Puzzle Box

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Highest: $125.00 Average: $125.00
Date Amount Bids Link
2021-May-17 $125 0 cubicdissection

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Category: Puzzle Box
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The twice updated puzzle design available since January 2020 is popular and durable. The design is a refinement of series gates and blocks,.... not a new concept,( the earliest example , is a Lock 18th Dynasty Egypt c. 3150 BC), but,..with some MISDIRECTION that if undetected the box will not open,... save using an ax! The solution.. as with many things it is difficult the first time but, once solved and mastered repetition is easily repeated. The box is made from wood recovered from the ruins of a 1800s hotel, (a creepy place, a good "B"movie set). The box is decorated with a peculiar piece of stone like wood, very old, very hard; and finished with brass highlights and a carefully hand finished
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