The Rune Cube

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Highest: $405.00 Average: $384.56
Date Amount Bids Link
2022-Dec-18 $405 15 cubicdissection
2022-Jul-14 $355 1 puzzleparadise
2020-Nov-04 $394 baxterweb

Values for auctions have all been converted to USD using conversion rates from the actual date of the auction.


Designed By:

Kagen Sound/John Rausch

Made By:

Kagen Sound

Category: Puzzle Box Maze
The Rune Cube is a puzzle box, measuring about 7 cm cubed (perfectly hand-sized!) Your first challenge is to find the key inside that allows you the ability to rearrange the sides of the box into new sequences to keep it locked.

All 6 sides of the Rune Cube shift in two directions according to each maze. Once the maze sequence is solved the box can be opened. All the parts of this box may be rearranged and put on many different ways creating solving sequences as difficult as 115 moves or as few as 6 moves to unlock. The maze plates may be rotated and even flipped since both sides are finished. After it is solved there is a hex key hidden inside that allows the ability to remove the sides and rearrange the box locking it to a new sequence. The key allows back door access to the box for the owner, but unless someone else has the same size key, they must solve the problem to open and close it.
To open the puzzle box
Material: Retail Price (USD):
Quality: Variants:
Craftsman Quality, Limited Production
Number of Pieces: Release Date:
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Available From: More Information:
Puzzle Master
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Official difficulty level from the designer/maker if given.
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Number of Moves: Rotations Required:
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