TIC Vault
Highest: $340.00
Average: $250.99
Date | Amount | Bids | Link |
2024-Dec-20 | $276.00 | 11 | puzzleparadise.net |
2024-Oct-06 | $186.00 | 11 | puzzleparadise.net |
2024-Feb-14 | $236.00 | 4 | puzzleparadise.net |
2024-Feb-11 | $215.00 | 0 | puzzleparadise.net |
2024-Feb-01 | $172.00 | 6 | puzzleparadise.net |
2023-Sep-27 | $230.56 | 5 | puzzleparadise.net |
2023-Jul-31 | $285.00 | 10 | puzzleparadise.net |
2023-Jul-14 | $255.00 | 3 | puzzleparadise.net |
2023-Jun-18 | $270.00 | 3 | puzzleparadise.net |
2023-Apr-25 | $217.26 | 14 | puzzleparadise.net |
2023-Apr-02 | $266.00 | 6 | puzzleparadise.net |
2023-Mar-31 | $210.00 | 7 | market.cubicdissection.com |
2023-Feb-28 | $340.00 | 10 | puzzleparadise.net |
2023-Jan-27 | $295.00 | 12 | puzzleparadise.net |
2022-Nov-05 | $311.00 | 35 | puzzleparadise.net |
Values for auctions have all been converted to USD using conversion rates from the actual date of the auction.
Show Auction History
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Highest: $340.00
Average: $250.99
Date | Amount | Bids | Link |
2024-Dec-20 | $276 | 11 | puzzleparadise |
2024-Oct-06 | $186 | 11 | puzzleparadise |
2024-Feb-14 | $236 | 4 | puzzleparadise |
2024-Feb-11 | $215 | 0 | puzzleparadise |
2024-Feb-01 | $172 | 6 | puzzleparadise |
2023-Sep-27 | $231 | 5 | puzzleparadise |
2023-Jul-31 | $285 | 10 | puzzleparadise |
2023-Jul-14 | $255 | 3 | puzzleparadise |
2023-Jun-18 | $270 | 3 | puzzleparadise |
2023-Apr-25 | $217 | 14 | puzzleparadise |
2023-Apr-02 | $266 | 6 | puzzleparadise |
2023-Mar-31 | $210 | 7 | cubicdissection |
2023-Feb-28 | $340 | 10 | puzzleparadise |
2023-Jan-27 | $295 | 12 | puzzleparadise |
2022-Nov-05 | $311 | 35 | puzzleparadise |
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Values for auctions have all been converted to USD using conversion rates from the actual date of the auction.
TIC Vault
Designed By: |
Andrew Crowell |
Made By: |
Andrew Crowell |
Category: | Sequential Discovery / TIC |
Description | |
TIC Vault is a hybrid puzzle, combining Sequential Discovery puzzle box aspects with a Turning Interlocking Cube (TIC) puzzle. The TIC portion has a unique feature, but should not frighten anyone, it just requires a bit of logic.
Goal | |
There are 2 goals to the puzzle. First, is to unlock the vault. Second, is to find your unique ID number. Because each puzzle will have a unique ID number associated with it.
More Information: | Retail Price (USD): |
Official difficulty level from the designer/maker if given.
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6.00 / 10
Number of Moves: | Material: | Variants: |
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Available From: | Number of Pieces: | Number Released: |
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Quality: | Release Date: | Rotations Required: |
3D Printed
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Material: | Retail Price (USD): |
Quality: | Variants: |
3D Printed
Number of Pieces: | Release Date: |
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Number Released: |
Official difficulty level from the designer/maker if given.
Difficulty Level:
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6.00 / 10
Number of Moves: | Rotations Required: |
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