Wishing Well

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Highest: $2486.00 Average: $594.85
Date Amount Bids Link
2024-Dec-05 $96 7 puzzleparadise
2022-Jun-02 $70 1 puzzleparadise
2022-Feb-19 $2486 21 cubicdissection
2022-Feb-15 $50 1 cubicdissection
2022-Jan-06 $1500 5 puzzleparadise
2021-Nov-24 $2050 8 cubicdissection
2021-Oct-19 $70 1 puzzleparadise
2021-Apr-11 $63 7 cubicdissection
2021-Feb-13 $57 6 cubicdissection
2020-Nov-04 $62 baxterweb
2020-Aug-17 $39 1 puzzleparadise
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Designed By:

Alexander Magyarics

Made By:

Pelikan Puzzles

Category: 3D Packing Assembly
Alexander Magyarics wrote about it:

“I've been playing with this idea for a long time – to create a packing puzzle where one of the pieces cannot be taken out of the box and it works as a moving obstacle to make your solving process more difficult. Three pieces must be placed in the 3x3x3 cube under the 'timber', you don't need to fill the opening completely. One unit cube of the 'timber' enters the inner 3x3x3 space – it ends its journey in the middle of the upper side (the same position as in the distribution pack). You can find several solutions to put the pieces inside but only one leads to the correct position of the timber. Disassembly level 7.6.8. The craftsmanship of Pelikan team is just stunning, I love the contrasting wood selection. I'm throwing a coin to wish you a good puzzling time!”
Fit the pieces in the box
Material: Retail Price (USD):
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Quality: Variants:
Craftsman Quality, Limited Production
Number of Pieces: Release Date:
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Difficulty Level:
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8.00 / 10
Number of Moves: Rotations Required:
21 (7.6.8)
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