EDOG 2.0

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Highest: $2550.00 Average: $1,730.00
Date Amount Bids Link
2024-Jan-02 $1200 1 puzzleparadise
2023-Oct-13 $1550 12 puzzleparadise
2023-Sep-18 $1200 1 cubicdissection
2023-May-24 $2550 18 puzzleparadise
2023-Apr-29 $2150 12 puzzleparadise

Values for auctions have all been converted to USD using conversion rates from the actual date of the auction.


Designed By:

Kelly Snache

Made By:

Kelly Snache

Category: Puzzle Box Hidden Mechanism
EDOG 2.0 features Kel’s unique style of puzzle box making, hiding many locking mechanisms inside and revealing new stages, layer by layer, each its own feast for the eyes and mind. Besides the distinctive exterior wood species which vary on each box, the little chests are filled with walnut, padauk, wenge, curly maple, pau Amarillo, bloodwood and wrapped in spalted maple.
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Quality: Variants:
Craftsman Quality, Limited Production
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