The Flying Dutchman

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Highest: $2331.22 Average: $2,331.22
Date Amount Bids Link
2024-Dec-29 $2331 0 puzzleparadise

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Designed By:

Benno de Grote

Made By:

Benno de Grote

Category: Sequential Discovery
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The Flying Dutchman is a sequential discovery puzzle with multiple compartments and multiple sub puzzles. Although this is a big puzzle with a lot of tricky steps I think it is a level 9 puzzle. Don’t let this fool you! It will take quite some time to solve this puzzle because of the amount of steps. My fastest playtester took almost 5 hours to solve the puzzle while he didn’t get stuck on a specific step.
There once was a pirate ship feared beyond all others, it was called the Flying Dutchman. The Captain and his crew sailed the seven seas on their ship, plundering everyone they encountered. But one day, they went too far… They stole from a mighty Sorcerer who in turn cursed them all. They were doomed to sail the seven seas forever without leaving their ship.
The sorcerer hid a secret map to the cure deep inside the Flying Dutchman, but the captain and his crew were never able to find it. For hundreds of years the Flying Dutchman sailed the seven seas until they found you on a deserted island. They are prepared to help you, but only if you can break their curse.
Material: Retail Price (USD):
Quality: Variants:
Craftsman Quality, Limited Production
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Number of Pieces: Release Date:
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August 2023
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Official difficulty level from the designer/maker if given.
Difficulty Level:
9.00 / 10
Number of Moves: Rotations Required:
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