Highest: $151.76
Average: $78.28
Date | Amount | Bids | Link |
2024-Jan-09 | $95.33 | 1 | puzzleparadise.net |
2023-Apr-11 | $43.51 | 1 | puzzleparadise.net |
2022-Aug-17 | $53.43 | 0 | puzzleparadise.net |
2022-Mar-17 | $83.13 | 7 | puzzleparadise.net |
2021-Oct-29 | $80.00 | 1 | puzzleparadise.net |
2021-Aug-29 | $90.00 | 10 | market.cubicdissection.com |
2021-Feb-26 | $55.00 | 1 | puzzleparadise.net |
2021-Feb-12 | $50.00 | 1 | market.cubicdissection.com |
2020-Sep-20 | $80.00 | 7 | market.cubicdissection.com |
2020-Jul-22 | $65.00 | 1 | puzzleparadise.net |
2020-Jun-06 | $86.00 | puzzles.baxterweb.com | |
2020-May-06 | $151.76 | 18 | puzzleparadise.net |
2019-Dec-01 | $90.00 | 20 | market.cubicdissection.com |
2019-Dec-01 | $85.00 | 18 | market.cubicdissection.com |
2019-Sep-17 | $66.04 | 15 | puzzleparadise.net |
Values for auctions have all been converted to USD using conversion rates from the actual date of the auction.
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Highest: $151.76
Average: $78.28
Date | Amount | Bids | Link |
2024-Jan-09 | $95 | 1 | puzzleparadise |
2023-Apr-11 | $44 | 1 | puzzleparadise |
2022-Aug-17 | $53 | 0 | puzzleparadise |
2022-Mar-17 | $83 | 7 | puzzleparadise |
2021-Oct-29 | $80 | 1 | puzzleparadise |
2021-Aug-29 | $90 | 10 | cubicdissection |
2021-Feb-26 | $55 | 1 | puzzleparadise |
2021-Feb-12 | $50 | 1 | cubicdissection |
2020-Sep-20 | $80 | 7 | cubicdissection |
2020-Jul-22 | $65 | 1 | puzzleparadise |
2020-Jun-06 | $86 | baxterweb | |
2020-May-06 | $152 | 18 | puzzleparadise |
2019-Dec-01 | $90 | 20 | cubicdissection |
2019-Dec-01 | $85 | 18 | cubicdissection |
2019-Sep-17 | $66 | 15 | puzzleparadise |
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Values for auctions have all been converted to USD using conversion rates from the actual date of the auction.
Designed By: |
Boaz Feldman |
Made By: |
Boaz Feldman |
Category: |
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Description | |
B-Lock is a two-stage puzzle. Upon the first examination, you'll notice that you can't actually insert the key into the keyhole... It's B-LOCKed! To unlock it, you'll need to think outside the box. The specific trick of this lock puzzle is like nothing you've seen before and promises to be a eureka moment for the solver.
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