Bilz Obstacle

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Highest: $5.00 Average: $5.00
Date Amount Bids Link
2009-Feb-07 $5 1 cubicdissection

Values for auctions have all been converted to USD using conversion rates from the actual date of the auction.


Designed By:


Made By:

T. E. Brangs

Category: Dexterity
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Bilz is a line of dexterity mazes intended to contain money or gift cards. Unlike the original version, the Obstacle version is less a maze and more of an obstacle course. It came in at least two color variations, and a version with an electronic sound module. Unfortunately, the batteries cannot be replaced on the sound module version without breaking the puzzle open.
Get the ball to the end of the maze such that the compartment can be opened.
Material: Retail Price (USD):
Plastic, Metal
Quality: Variants:
Mass Production
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