Angry Walter

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Highest: $1430.00 Average: $631.06
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2024-Dec-24 $832 1 puzzleparadise
2024-Nov-25 $701 8 puzzleparadise
2024-Sep-23 $924 52 puzzleparadise
2024-Sep-03 $360 2 puzzleparadise
2024-Aug-14 $400 1 puzzleparadise
2024-May-12 $560 12 puzzleparadise
2024-Jan-22 $510 2 puzzleparadise
2023-Dec-10 $315 baxterweb
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2023-Oct-27 $586 24 puzzleparadise
2023-Oct-16 $427 3 puzzleparadise
2023-Sep-02 $573 38 puzzleparadise
2023-Jun-17 $771 33 puzzleparadise
2023-Apr-16 $510 14 puzzleparadise
2023-Apr-05 $1250 26 cubicdissection
2023-Feb-21 $450 12 puzzleparadise
2023-Feb-19 $705 10 puzzleparadise
2023-Feb-11 $1430 59 puzzleparadise
2022-Oct-15 $390 5 puzzleparadise
2022-Oct-10 $500 1 puzzleparadise
2022-Sep-18 $321 15 cubicdissection
2022-Sep-12 $401 12 puzzleparadise
2022-Sep-08 $400 3 puzzleparadise
2022-Aug-15 $400 1 puzzleparadise
2022-Aug-10 $600 1 puzzleparadise
2022-Jul-14 $421 13 puzzleparadise
2022-Jul-07 $549 22 puzzleparadise
2022-Jun-22 $720 15 puzzleparadise
2022-Jun-18 $700 22 cubicdissection
2022-May-22 $810 57 puzzleparadise
2022-Apr-24 $497 5 puzzleparadise
2022-Apr-18 $820 44 puzzleparadise
2022-Mar-11 $1000 42 puzzleparadise
2022-Feb-23 $610 33 puzzleparadise
2022-Feb-18 $525 12 cubicdissection
2022-Feb-02 $611 16 puzzleparadise
2022-Jan-15 $910 32 puzzleparadise
2022-Jan-02 $460 11 puzzleparadise
2021-Dec-04 $1050 8 puzzleparadise
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Designed By:

Dee Dixon

Made By:

Dee Dixon (DedWoodCrafts)

Category: Sequential Discovery
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Walter wasn't always angry. He was the world's best robot-friend, but time passed and the novelty wore off. He was left to rust in a junkyard alongside other abandoned robots. Walter swore revenge and started patching himself with whatever parts he could scavenge. He then began building his army. With his minions behind him, Angry Walter would emerge from the forgotten fields of misshapen metal mad as hell and ready to exact the revenge he promised on mankind. For humanity to have any hope of surviving his robot rage, you must find and remove his green power cell before it's too late. Stay calm as you make your way into Walter's inner workings and discover the tools and tricks you need to protect us all. It won't be easy, but the moments of discovery along the way will keep you from going mad. Now go forth and see if we can still be saved!

Angry Walter is a multi-step sequential discovery puzzle. It's made from roasted curly maple, Peruvian walnut, cherry, and padauk.
To open the puzzle box and discover Walter’s power source!
Material: Retail Price (USD):
Quality: Variants:
Craftsman Quality, Limited Production
Number of Pieces: Release Date:
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Available From: More Information:
DEDwood Crafts
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Official difficulty level from the designer/maker if given.
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Number of Moves: Rotations Required:
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