Brass Monkey Sixential Discovery


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Highest: $404.27 Average: $324.62
Date Amount Bids Link
2024-Aug-05 $313 0 puzzleparadise
2024-Aug-02 $250 3 puzzleparadise
2024-Jul-24 $360 4 puzzleparadise
2024-Apr-23 $249 6 puzzleparadise
2024-Mar-25 $317 0 puzzleparadise
2024-Feb-16 $255 5 puzzleparadise
2023-Dec-11 $403 10 puzzleparadise
2023-Dec-10 $370 6 puzzleparadise
2023-Dec-04 $404 5 puzzleparadise

Values for auctions have all been converted to USD using conversion rates from the actual date of the auction.


Designed By:

Two Brass Monkeys

Made By:

Two Brass Monkeys

Category: Sequential Discovery Disassembly
Like Brass Monkey 2, 3, 4 and 5….. Brass Monkey Sixential Discovery (BMSD) looks like a "standard" burr puzzle on the surface but hides even more trickery than usual beneath. It requires multiple discoveries to achieve the ultimate goal: Can you find the bananas and feed them to the monkey? There are in excess of ten steps needed to find the bananas.
Find the bananas. Feed them to the monkey. Then reassemble the puzzle back to the start.
Material: Retail Price (USD):
Quality: Variants:
Craftsman Quality, Limited Production
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