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Highest: $200.00 Average: $94.57
Date Amount Bids Link
2024-Apr-12 $59 2 puzzleparadise
2024-Apr-09 $80 8 puzzleparadise
2024-Mar-16 $85 10 puzzleparadise
2024-Feb-08 $62 25 puzzleparadise
2024-Jan-10 $55 5 puzzleparadise
2023-Oct-22 $122 1 puzzleparadise
2023-Aug-25 $150 18 puzzleparadise
2022-Oct-24 $169 20 puzzleparadise
2022-Oct-14 $200 15 puzzleparadise
2022-Sep-18 $110 10 puzzleparadise
2022-Apr-17 $90 14 puzzleparadise
2021-Sep-09 $95 8 puzzleparadise
2021-Sep-02 $50 7 puzzleparadise
2021-Aug-29 $50 10 cubicdissection
2021-Jul-26 $85 12 puzzleparadise
2021-Jul-18 $111 13 puzzleparadise
2021-Jun-19 $90 7 puzzleparadise
2021-Apr-23 $75 13 puzzleparadise
2020-Nov-28 $60 13 cubicdissection

Values for auctions have all been converted to USD using conversion rates from the actual date of the auction.


Designed By:

Alan Lunsford

Made By:

Layerbylayer Puzzles

Category: Free the Coin
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Remove the coin or token from the puzzle.
Material: Retail Price (USD):
Quality: Variants:
3D Printed
Number of Pieces: Release Date:
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Official difficulty level from the designer/maker if given.
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Number of Moves: Rotations Required:
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