Luddite's Mill

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Designed By:

Thomas Cummings

Made By:

Thomas Cummings

Category: Puzzle Box
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Beside being a heirloom quality decorative item , Luddite’s Mill can be difficult puzzle box to solve..However the solution once mastered, can be swiftly repeated enabling you easy access to the storage space.
The box is made of recycled wood (ruins of a 19th century hotel); hand finished with brass accents..Outside dimensions 5”x4”x4”, with an inside dimensions of 4”x3”x2.5”
The motion of a Wankel engine was the inspiration for "Luddite's Mill"* The medallion piece (1880 ~1900's Morgan dollar) gliding on top of the box rotates on rolling elliptical path…sounds complicated ...but just a twisty sort of motion... Things become more interesting when the entire top begins to rotate...The interaction with these two .. in a sequence ..and in conjunction with the clues will gain you entrance.!!

* of a group of early 19th century English workmen,who destroyed labor saving machinery in a protest of automation;... broadly : one who is opposed to technology.
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Wood, Brass
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9.00 / 10
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