Daedalus (Resin Version)

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Highest: $355.00 Average: $355.00
Date Amount Bids Link
2024-Jul-28 $355 20 puzzleparadise

Values for auctions have all been converted to USD using conversion rates from the actual date of the auction.


Designed By:

Gregory Benedetti

Made By:

Lewis Evans

Category: Take-apart Interlocking
Puzzles are made from Polyurethane resin and a special mix of marble fillers that give the resin a weight and feel more of stone than plastic. Parts are rigid and cold to the touch. Pins are made from Brass.
The Daedalus puzzle is the brainchild of Gregory Benedetti. A deceptively simple cube from the outside, inside it hides a labyrinth of misdirection and dead ends as the interlocking pieces fight you at every turn to keep hold of their secrets. It’s an exceptionally good piece of design, an incredibly enjoyable and challenging puzzle to solve.
Material: Retail Price (USD):
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Number of Pieces: Release Date:
June 2024
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Official difficulty level from the designer/maker if given.
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Number of Moves: Rotations Required:
23, 9, 8, 3, 3, 1, 2 w/ rotations
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