Peace comes from shaking hands

(AKA: CO-16-3)

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Designed By:

Shou Sugimoto

Shingo Terui

Made By:

Shou Sugimoto

Karakuri Creation Group (KCG)

Category: Puzzle Box Hidden Mechanism
The size of the hand is as same as real one and it has some tricks.
By shaking hands with it, you may find the solution for both opening the box and making the world more peaceful…

Original idea by Shingo Terui
Hand crafted by Shou Sugimoto
Size (box body) : 105 x 115 x 230 mm
Size (storage space) : 30 x 68 x 75 mm
Material : cherry, oak, maple, chanchin, magnolia
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Craftsman Quality, Limited Production
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July 2024
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