The Treasure of Barracuda

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Category: Sequential Discovery
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With your Grandfather's Amulet in hand, you venture on a great journey. The old legends take you far up into the coldest of mountains. In a hidden cave, in an alcove under a rock, you find the remains of a skeleton clutching a Map. Been there forever by the looks of it. It details the location of an amazing treasure, “X marks the spot”. There is no time to lose, you take off again! Arriving at the beach you grab your shovel, digging for what seems like hours, and just before your hope is gone you hit something! With nervous hands you drag it out of the soil. A real Pirate’s Chest! It must be filled with gold! Now if you can only get it open...
You found it! A sequential discovery Lego Puzzle Box, a Pirate’s Treasure Chest. Hidden a long time ago by the fearsome Captain Redbeard himself! Included are the Grandfather's Amulet and the Ancient Map, both which are needed to solve and open the chest and uncover the amazing booty within.

Sequential Discovery is a style of puzzle where you have to uncover the correct steps in sequence in order to solve the puzzle. Underway you discover tools and items which help you along the path
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