Try Knot Puzzle Box

(AKA: Stickman No. 17)

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Highest: $1351.00 Average: $1,250.33
Date Amount Bids Link
2022-Jun-13 $1300 13 cubicdissection
2017-Jun-16 $1100 25 cubicdissection
2014-Feb-05 $1351 baxterweb

Values for auctions have all been converted to USD using conversion rates from the actual date of the auction.


Designed By:

Robert Yarger

Made By:

Robert Yarger (Stickman)

Category: Puzzle Box
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This Stickman Try-Knot Puzzlebox ( No. 17 ) is hand crafted by puzzle artist Robert Yarger from quality wenge, yellowheart and bloodwood with a choice of leopardwood or cocobolo box. This puzzle is of moderate difficulty to solve - it requires a minimum of at least 37 moves in order to access its two secret compartments. The compartments are reached by a process of manipulating the cage-frames that imprison the box. Each frame is restricted by the maze patterns routed directly on the sides of the box itself, increasing the difficulty of the solution.
The Try-Knot box measures 6" x 5" x 4", and weighs approximately 1lb. These are limited edition boxes, and only 55 of them will ever be made. The last 15 of these boxes have not yet been assembled, and will be made available during the next website listing.
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