5L Bin

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Designed By:

Goh Pit Khiam

Made By:

Cubic dissection

Category: 3D Packing
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5L Bin is an engaging binary sequence puzzle from designer Pit Khiam Goh. Known for his work in creating complex sequential mechanisms, 5L Bin results from Pit folding n-ary concepts into a packing puzzle format. The goal is to remove all five pieces and then pack them back into the box.

5L Bin is an extremely well made puzzle. The walnut box is constructed with rounded edges, resulting in a pleasing tactile sensation. The precision-milled aluminum pieces slide smoothly into place with a satisfying click. Once assembled, the contrasting dark wood and bright metal create a visually compelling combination. 5L Bin just begs to be picked up and solved repeatedly.
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Material: Retail Price (USD):
Aluminium, Wood
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