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Highest: $122.00 Average: $66.88
Date Amount Bids Link
2023-Jul-02 $47 19 cubicdissection
2023-Jul-01 $42 2 cubicdissection
2022-Dec-18 $65 20 cubicdissection
2022-Dec-18 $72 19 cubicdissection
2022-Sep-19 $83 23 cubicdissection
2022-May-10 $42 5 puzzleparadise
2022-Mar-12 $62 2 puzzleparadise
2021-Nov-28 $122 19 cubicdissection

Values for auctions have all been converted to USD using conversion rates from the actual date of the auction.


Designed By:

Emil Askerli

Made By:

Cubic Dissection (Eric Fuller)

Category: Interlocking Burr

"Exhaust" is a very unusual six-piece interlocking burr that combines board and burr piece shapes to achieve a fascinating symmetry. The two board and two burr pieces interact with the two hybrid-style pieces to create an unusual challenge. The solution is devious and clever.

Construction of Exhaust went very well. The end-grain joints of the hybrid pieces are reinforced by a half-shoulder for strength, ensuring that this puzzle will stand the test of time without mechanical failure. Exhaust looks, solves, and feels like the heirloom pieces it is.

62 copies are available for this release, each signed and dated. Exhaust ships in the assembled configuration
Disassemble and reassemble :)
Material: Retail Price (USD):
Quality: Variants:
Craftsman Quality, Limited Production
Number of Pieces: Release Date:
December 2021
Available From: More Information:
Cubic Dissection
Number Released:
Official difficulty level from the designer/maker if given.
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Number of Moves: Rotations Required:
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