Iteration 23

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Highest: $605.00 Average: $605.00
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2024-Dec-30 $605 9 puzzleparadise
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Designed By:

Dee Dixon

Made By:

Dee Dixon (DedWoodCrafts)

Category: Sequential Discovery Puzzle Box
And so, the Walter Wars waged on. The Walters’ dominance was shaken by the Human Resistance’s successful attacks on their radio communication devices as humanity chipped away at the Walters’ line of defense. But the Resistance had yet to develop a weapon that could resist Walter’s AI intrusions; the digital nature of all weaponized devices included a weakness that Walter would easily exploit. The Resistance instead looked back to human history, seeking to upgrade the weaponry of the 19th and 20th centuries. Hopefully this antiquated technology would help turn the tides of many a bitter battle, Walter being incapable of hacking into something from an analog era. Iteration after iteration was developed, each rooted in technology too old for Walter to comprehend. Still, the Resistance’s logistics were constantly interrupted by the Walters, forcing humanity to break this new weapon down into constituent parts. Using the Dynamic Element Downscaler or DED the weapon can then be hidden in a
Iteration 23 is an SD puzzle with over 20 steps. The goal is to find the 4 compartments and assemble the components in an attempt to defeat Walter. Three variants are available. They are padauk, osage orange, and spalted hackberry each paired with Peruvian walnut. A quick word about spalted hackberry: spalted hackberry happens when the hackberry tree has been exposed to decay. The light colored heartwood is streaked with black lines which is actually fungus. Tiny voids are normal in spalted woods and are not defects. This puzzle measures 7" x 4.25" x 2.25".
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Craftsman Quality, Limited Production
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December 2024
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