Highest: $663.93
Average: $246.23
Date | Amount | Bids | Link |
2024-Oct-03 | $100.00 | 3 | puzzleparadise.net |
2024-Feb-18 | $185.00 | 0 | puzzleparadise.net |
2023-Nov-26 | $125.99 | 8 | puzzleparadise.net |
2023-Oct-13 | $157.72 | 1 | puzzleparadise.net |
2023-Aug-22 | $250.00 | 0 | puzzleparadise.net |
2023-Aug-17 | $120.00 | 1 | puzzleparadise.net |
2023-Jul-25 | $140.00 | 1 | puzzleparadise.net |
2023-Jan-05 | $154.86 | 18 | puzzleparadise.net |
2022-Dec-12 | $625.00 | 2 | market.cubicdissection.com |
2022-Nov-02 | $110.00 | 15 | puzzleparadise.net |
2022-Aug-04 | $140.00 | 0 | puzzleparadise.net |
2022-Jul-28 | $115.00 | 10 | puzzleparadise.net |
2021-Aug-28 | $160.00 | 5 | market.cubicdissection.com |
2020-Nov-22 | $120.00 | 1 | market.cubicdissection.com |
2020-Jun-06 | $140.00 | puzzles.baxterweb.com | |
2020-Jun-06 | $111.00 | puzzles.baxterweb.com | |
2020-Jan-20 | $180.00 | 14 | market.cubicdissection.com |
2017-Sep-01 | $215.57 | khuong.uk | |
2017-May-01 | $359.96 | khuong.uk | |
2016-Oct-10 | $310.00 | 27 | market.cubicdissection.com |
2016-Mar-01 | $341.91 | khuong.uk | |
2016-Feb-21 | $420.00 | puzzles.baxterweb.com | |
2015-Dec-06 | $534.00 | puzzles.baxterweb.com | |
2015-Nov-01 | $434.26 | khuong.uk | |
2015-Oct-01 | $651.33 | khuong.uk | |
2015-May-01 | $663.93 | khuong.uk | |
2014-Feb-04 | $150.00 | 5 | market.cubicdissection.com |
2012-Jun-01 | $111.26 | khuong.uk | |
2010-Feb-14 | $90.00 | 5 | market.cubicdissection.com |
2008-Feb-23 | $170.00 | puzzles.baxterweb.com |
Values for auctions have all been converted to USD using conversion rates from the actual date of the auction.
Show Auction History
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Highest: $663.93
Average: $246.23
Date | Amount | Bids | Link |
2024-Oct-03 | $100 | 3 | puzzleparadise |
2024-Feb-18 | $185 | 0 | puzzleparadise |
2023-Nov-26 | $126 | 8 | puzzleparadise |
2023-Oct-13 | $158 | 1 | puzzleparadise |
2023-Aug-22 | $250 | 0 | puzzleparadise |
2023-Aug-17 | $120 | 1 | puzzleparadise |
2023-Jul-25 | $140 | 1 | puzzleparadise |
2023-Jan-05 | $155 | 18 | puzzleparadise |
2022-Dec-12 | $625 | 2 | cubicdissection |
2022-Nov-02 | $110 | 15 | puzzleparadise |
2022-Aug-04 | $140 | 0 | puzzleparadise |
2022-Jul-28 | $115 | 10 | puzzleparadise |
2021-Aug-28 | $160 | 5 | cubicdissection |
2020-Nov-22 | $120 | 1 | cubicdissection |
2020-Jun-06 | $140 | baxterweb | |
2020-Jun-06 | $111 | baxterweb | |
2020-Jan-20 | $180 | 14 | cubicdissection |
2017-Sep-01 | $216 | khuong | |
2017-May-01 | $360 | khuong | |
2016-Oct-10 | $310 | 27 | cubicdissection |
2016-Mar-01 | $342 | khuong | |
2016-Feb-21 | $420 | baxterweb | |
2015-Dec-06 | $534 | baxterweb | |
2015-Nov-01 | $434 | khuong | |
2015-Oct-01 | $651 | khuong | |
2015-May-01 | $664 | khuong | |
2014-Feb-04 | $150 | 5 | cubicdissection |
2012-Jun-01 | $111 | khuong | |
2010-Feb-14 | $90 | 5 | cubicdissection |
2008-Feb-23 | $170 | baxterweb |
Click here to help connect auctions to this puzzle
Values for auctions have all been converted to USD using conversion rates from the actual date of the auction.
Designed By: |
Dan Feldman |
Made By: |
Dan Feldman |
Category: | Lock / Sequential Discovery |
Description | |
DanLock is an amazing puzzle that sets the bar for trick locks. Disassembly is straightforward...once the lock is open the fun begins. Reassembly is baffling; seemingly impossible, yet careful observation and analysis yield results.
Goal | |
Unlock the lock. Then reassemble it back to the start state.
More Information: | Retail Price (USD): |
Official difficulty level from the designer/maker if given.
Difficulty Level:
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Number of Moves: | Material: | Variants: |
Available From: | Number of Pieces: | Number Released: |
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Quality: | Release Date: | Rotations Required: |
Craftsman Quality, Limited Production
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Material: | Retail Price (USD): |
Quality: | Variants: |
Craftsman Quality, Limited Production
Number of Pieces: | Release Date: |
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Available From: | More Information: |
Number Released: |
Official difficulty level from the designer/maker if given.
Difficulty Level:
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Number of Moves: | Rotations Required: |