Mini Splice - Alexander Magyarics

Assembly / Wood

Designer: Alexander Magyarics
Maker: BAZ

eL Engano - Alexander Magyarics

Assembly / Wood

Designer: Alexander Magyarics
Maker: BAZ

Smol Boi - BAZ

3D Packing / Wood

Designer: BAZ
Maker: BAZ

Meson - Alexander Magyarics

Assembly / Wood

Designer: Alexander Magyarics
Maker: BAZ

Joker - Alexander Magyarics

Assembly / Wood

Designer: Alexander Magyarics
Maker: BAZ

Stepper - Alexander Magyarics

Assembly / Wood

Designer: Alexander Magyarics
Maker: BAZ

One Step Closer - Alexander Magyarics

Assembly / Wood

Designer: Alexander Magyarics
Maker: BAZ

The Plus Puzzle - BAZ

3D Packing / Wood

Designer: BAZ
Maker: BAZ

Piece of Cake - BAZ

3D Packing / Wood

Designer: BAZ
Maker: BAZ